From my Friend Seung Hyun (Clyde26)
05,Feb 2014 08:23 AM
15,Feb 2014 05:28 PM
The package ~
Contents of the package :D :D
Ppeppero !!!! yummy !
Korean name stamp !
more food items he wanted me to try out : )
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Total comment(s) :7
What a good friend you have! Looks like
he sent a lot of really good things to you. : )
l611045 | 2014/02/06
i agree!!>
juwaline | 2014/02/15
Yes he is an amazing friend ! always teaching me about korean culture and taking pictures of everywhere he goes!!!
tjmstyle | 2014/02/07
Wow~!! Very nice!
hjlove04 | 2014/02/06
tjmstyle | 2014/02/06
Wow~~so cool:)
flsfldfl | 2014/02/05
^_^ thanks
tjmstyle | 2014/02/06