22,Apr 2011 11:32 AM
28,May 2018 05:21 PM
the song I like~~
it is so good.
Total comment(s) :16
Actually I heard that a member of f x starred in to the beautifel you! Very good k-drama
fzgkorea | 2018/10/05
Thank youuuu!
fzgkorea | 2018/10/05
i love it~
vh101 | 2018/05/28
Sorry! A new member could not leave a comment for a while.
danger very very good!!!!
mmmo_uk | 2011/06/19
f(x)~~~~!!!!! Amber Love!!!!!!!!
sami sami | 2011/06/19
f (x) 좋아 ∼^^ようぉ에 【사란헤요】 ♥
yujin206 | 2011/06/08
아 f(x) 진짜 좋아요 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
ju__ | 2011/05/19
I like this song♪
I love Amber and Luna!!!
bbigbang | 2011/05/15
oh! this is so nice~~~ PINOCCHIO! haha
tomomi_ | 2011/05/09
Amber love!
chihi1214 | 2011/05/08
I love f(x)!!
ayame-17 | 2011/05/08
I like Amber also:)
love this song btw
hae_bin | 2011/05/08
I love f(x)!!!
I love Sulli(^^)
snsd38 | 2011/05/06
i like this song!!!
i like amber!!!!!!
sayuri--!!! | 2011/05/05
귀여운 
ARISaa | 2011/05/02
ㅠㅠ 엠버가 돌아와서 정말 좋음
이노래도 좋지만 전 포미닛을 좋아해서......
bsh9664 | 2011/04/29