Why I love my holidays in Algeria !!
08,May 2017 02:58 AM
10,May 2017 04:02 AM
A wonderful coast !!
Desert landscapes
Beautiful cities
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Total comment(s) :2
Algeria seems so peaceful
jdh949 | 2017/05/10
It's very peaceful outside the towns :D Especially in the oasis where lives my grandfather. Every night we can look a sky full of stars !
hadjerpa | 2017/05/10
Why I love my holidays in Algeria !!
Why I love my holidays in Algeria !!
08,May 2017 02:58 AM
10,May 2017 04:02 AM
A wonderful coast !!
Desert landscapes
Beautiful cities
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Total comment(s) :2
Algeria seems so peaceful
jdh949 | 2017/05/10
It's very peaceful outside the towns :D Especially in the oasis where lives my grandfather. Every night we can look a sky full of stars !
hadjerpa | 2017/05/10