My doggie
17,May 2018 03:39 PM
22,Jun 2018 08:57 PM
This is Kim. My cute Pomeranian.
He is very friendly guy.
And he is very funny too
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Total comment(s) :5
Pomeranian is so adorable.
minny417 | 2018/06/22
xdeath | 2018/06/03
Lol so cute
vh101 | 2018/05/19
Looks like a tiny bear
hitman31 | 2018/05/18
Awww he is adorable!!
xian_983 | 2018/05/17
My doggie
My doggie
17,May 2018 03:39 PM
22,Jun 2018 08:57 PM
This is Kim. My cute Pomeranian.
He is very friendly guy.
And he is very funny too
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Total comment(s) :5
Pomeranian is so adorable.
minny417 | 2018/06/22
xdeath | 2018/06/03
Lol so cute
vh101 | 2018/05/19
Looks like a tiny bear
hitman31 | 2018/05/18
Awww he is adorable!!
xian_983 | 2018/05/17